Monday, December 19, 2022

Kaa & Evangelyne comic

 Testing out my new blog by uploading an old comic commission. Kaa and Evangelyne from Wakfu series. 


Oh look, I made a blogger! or a blogspot? here, I will post all my stuff, basically twitter 2.0 minus the whole twitter nonsense and it's purely just artblog. No retweet and all that jazz.

Don't expect anything new here until beginning of next year, I'm pretty much occupied with IRL stuff and I don't even celebrate Christmas!. I might just upload old works atleast to test out how this site works.

Kaa & Mimi (Cote_de_Mimi's OC): Post-Coitous

 A post coitous scene where Mimi (Cote_de_Mimi @ Twitter's OC) & Kaa deciding on what sex position they should do next, hypnosis inv...